A senior Queensland engineer is out of pocket more than $50,000 for failing to meet the standard of his ‘registered’ status.
RPEQ, or Registered Professional Engineer Queensland, is an engineering certification which recognises the competence and qualifications of a skilled engineer.
A recent Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) decision resulted in a registered professional engineer (RPEQ) being reprimanded and penalised for unsatisfactory professional conduct.
The name has been withheld.
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (BPEQ) began disciplinary proceedings in QCAT after investigating a complaint about the RPEQ received from another statutory authority.
Board of Professional Engineers
The complaint related to the RPEQ’s conduct in preparing designs, certifying and issuing an inspection certificate for a slab and footing system for the construction of a multi-residential town house complex.
The Institute of Public Works Engineers Australia says engineers occupy positions of trust and responsibility within the community, industry and across government.
‘Registration as a professional engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) is recognition of the qualifications and competencies of an engineer,’ the IPWEAQ says on its website.
‘The Board provides a Code of Practice for the guidance of Registered Professional Engineers … The registration system ensures a high standard of engineering exists within Queensland.’
QCAT found that the RPEQ’s conduct was of a lesser standard than might reasonably be expected by the public or professional peers; and demonstrated incompetence or lack of adequate knowledge, skill, judgement or care.
QCAT made the following orders:
- Reprimanded the RPEQ
- Imposed a pecuniary penalty of $9,000
- RPEQ to pay the costs of the investigation of $11,454.30
- RPEQ to pay the costs of the proceedings of $30,045.70
- If any amount payable is not paid by the due date, the RPEQ’s registration will be suspended until the amount is paid
These orders have been published under the RPEQ’s disciplinary record on BPEQ’s register, which can be viewed by the public.
BPEQ may commence disciplinary proceedings in QCAT if it believes a RPEQ has breached the Professional Engineers Act 2002or the Code of Practice for Registered Professional Engineers.